A horsecart for Naing Naing from Bangan (Burma / Myanmar)
Der nachfolgende Reisebericht stammt von Ulrike Aichhorn, die wir bei unserer letzten Burmareise zufällig beim Strandurlaub kennenlernten. Sie überraschte uns damals zunächst mit ihrem sozialen Engagement für eine Schule bei Mandalay. Damit nicht genug, erzählte sie uns von ihrer Idee, dem liebenswürdigen Fahrer eines Pferdewagens, der sie in Bagan touristisch begleitet hatte, ein besonderes Geschenk zu machen. Ihr Wunsch war es, Naing Naing über Spenden seinen eigenen Pferdewagen zu finanzieren und ihm somit ein Leben als selbständiger Unternehmer zu ermöglichen. Gesagt, getan – Ulrike sammelte im Freundes- und Bekanntenkreis die benötigte Summe und übergab sie persönlich am 19.12.2013 in Bagan an den überglücklichen Naing Naing.
Im nachfolgenden Reisebericht schildert Ulrike Aichhorn in Wort und Bild ihre Reiseeindrücke, vor allem aber die Auswahl und den Kauf des “ Horsecart for Naing Naing“. Ich bedanke mich bei Ulrike für den interessanten Reisebericht und vor allem für ihr Engagement und wünsche allen Lesern viel Vergnügen!
Klaus Weidner
A horsecart for Naing Naing from Bangan (Burma / Myanmar)
Salzburg – München – Wien – Bangkok – Yangon – Bagan – Mandalay – Bangkok – Wien – München – Salzburg in 9 days:
A mission possible is going to start …
Mingalarbar Yangon
Yangon Airport – just arrived and you can see: times are changing
What will be different in the inner city – in comparison with
1 year ago?
At the same time the 27th Sea Games (like Olympia but for Asian countries) took place in Myanmar.
Very exciting for everybody!
Yangon Downtown
Different impressions:
Very new and exclusive shopping mall close to the traditional Bogyoke Aung San Market where you can find the most beautiful Longhi-cloths.
Paying with creditcards – unthinkable 1 year ago
the fresh fruits are waiting for you.
„Change“ is working like a rocket.
The good side: less rubbish than
1 year ago, the new motto is
“being green & clean“
omnipresent – fortunately
Yangon & the Shwedagon Pagoda – a MUST
Amazing, gorgeous and overwhelming –
every single moment!
The very best time for a visit:
In the evening between 8 and 9.30 p.m.
No tourists, only Burmese people: families, children
in their pyjamas and lot of teenagers, too.
Buddhism is part of every single minute in their lives.
And they do love seeing a foreigner wearing a longhi, the traditional wrap-around :-)(„Wickelrock“)
New technical influence doesn‘t stop on Monk‘s doors
Arrival in Bagan
Naing Naing was already waiting for me in my hotel!
After a very early wake-up at 4 in Yangon to get to the Airport we are now enjoying our breakfast!
Like always Naing Naing told me not being hungry (he is so humble) – but he has to eat!
For beeing healthy and prepared to start
his own business!
Hm, what will be inside??
Oh, a book with lot of pictures about Austria – „with landscapes
I have never seen before.
Look – the snow!!“
December, 19th, 2013 – NAING NAINGs day is going to come
I guess, this day will be unforgettable for Naing Naing.
The day of my arrival in Bagan we had started to visit different horses and carts.
The horse didn’t have to be the strongest or the biggest one. The point was to find out which will be the best for Naing Naing.
The days before I came to Bagan Naing Naing also talked to his Boss if it would be possible to sell him the horsecart he has been driven during the last 2 months. Because he likes that horse so much.
This „new“ boss (since 6 months) is a very nice man and after thinking about he decided to say YES if Naing Naing would be focused on that horse.
After checking all other opportunities Naing Naing decided to take the Boss‘ horse and we made the deal!!
With a real contract for the horse, the cart AND the lisence, which is the main important and most expensive thing
(U$ 1.200 only for the lisence).
You know at the moment there exist around 270 lisences for horsecart-drivers in Bagan. And the government will not increase that number.
But we did know that before – so it was important to receive the lisence with the horsecart, too. And so we did it!
Naing Naing is checking …
… and now the money runs …
May I introduce to you:
Naing Naing the horsecart OWNER (not longer the horsecart driver)
This is „Shwimis“ – Naing Naing‘s mare (female horse):
She is 7 years old, strong & healthy,
free of injuries, with good teeth & hoofs,
fearless, patient, with a friendly character
and easy to drive & to handle.
And we have already started to work on his brand:
„Naing Naing horsecart –Enjoy & Smile!“
His USP – his unique selling proposition:
- born in Bagan so he knows every single Pagoda, every temple …
- and he knows the time when it is the best light for the big pagodas and temples to be photographed
- he shows Bagan to his customers through the eyes of the Burmese people
- his tours are besides the crowded tourist ways, even for sundown you have your own temple while another temple is overcrowded
- he speaks a good english (he learned it in an autodiactict way and still tries to improve it steadily)
- he has a very friendly face and a smile which touches your heart
- he doesn’t know the expression „customer relationship“ but he lives it in every single moment
- he is focused on the real moment and is steadily trying to give the very best to the customer (“Are you ok? Do you feel well?“ These are his his most important questions)
- and – maybe for us women- very important: he does have very plain teeth
- (means he doesn’t use the horrible betelnut which causes bloody red teeth)
What do you think my friends – is this a good brand and a clear USP??
Invitation with his family – his Mummy wanted to cook for us
Even his 1 ½ year old nephew does like the cart!
Naing Naing’s parents are also very happy considering the new horsecart and are proud of his son with all his ambition and plans to start a very good business now!
They want to say THANK YOU to all the donators!!
One more day with Naing Naing
Burmese people are so friendly – and they really love being photographed with nice foreigners
Isn’t that a gorgeous view!?
Bagan – 2000 Pagodas & Temples from a special point of view
A gift for myself: A balloon-tour in the early morning
With our British pilot Peter
Impressions from my last day in Bagan
Boattrip to the other side of the Irrawaddy River
(where normally no foreigner is seen)
Gasoline station
Flight to Mandalay – for visiting the school I support
(find details at http://www.die-aichhorn.com/index.php?id=36 )
The ones who are already at highschool just came in to visit me again. What a nice gesture!
… always very eager in learning
Impressions from Mandalay & Mingun
… on the way with my friend Hla Hla Win
The Mingun Bell – second largest in the world
Mandalay – the largest book on earth
Stonecutters in Mandalay:
I guess their lungs are white inside!? Puh …
Always fun
Last day in Burma
On my last day in Burma I wished to join a Monk’s meditation. So Hla Hla arranged a meeting with Dr. Dhammarakkhita, a very interesting Monk who runs a meditation centre close to Mandalay.
He is also working internationally and does a lot of research in the results of thoughts’ quality. I had the honour to be guided through two meditation sessions by him.
Very intensive and impressive as well …
Special day for girls:
They do celebrate THE day when they get their earrings pricked
Goodbye Burma
While waiting in Bangkok …
… for my flight back home I visited the MUCA (museum of contemporary art) – you know how interested I am in modern art
What a wonderful museum: both the architecture and the paintings inside! A Nr 1 recommendation for every Bangkok visitor who likes art!
So, the mission is done! Time to fly back home again …
Before take-off:
An angel at the Bangkok airport asked me to be photographed with me.
Of course: a clear YES!
Hope you enjoyed travelling with me.
The mission is done!
… and now the most important picture
Naing Naing: „THANK YOU to all the donators!“
My phone Nr. +95 9 402773512